Vitamin b12 Booster Injections

About Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is a vital component in ensuring we function properly in our day to day lives. It helps us stay energetic, protects us against a number of health issues and studies have even suggested that it can improve your memory and overall brain function. Vitamin B12 injections contain synthetic Vitamin B12 – a man-made version called cyanocobalamin – and can quickly boost the levels of B12 in a person’s system as needed.

About Vitamin B12 Injection Treatment

An injection is one of the most effective ways to get B12 and is typically used for those who might not benefit from tablets, liquids or capsule supplements for any reason. They are typically injected into a muscle or under the skin and the dose you will be given will ultimately depend on your age, whether you are pregnant or breastfeeding, your diet and if you have any existing medical conditions. As Vitamin B12 is also water-soluble, any excess of the vitamin that your body doesn’t need or have the capacity for will pass through and remove any risk of overdose.

Benefits of Vitamin B12

  • Helps us stay energised

  • Protects us against illness

  • Linked to improved brain function

  • Linked to improved memory

Vitamin B12 isn’t produced by our bodies despite being one of the most important nutrients needed for everyday function.

People with Gastrointestinal issues

If you’re suffering from any gastrointestinal disorders, you may be at a higher risk of Vitamin B12 deficiency. This is because issues with regular function of the gastrointestinal tract can prevent the proper release and absorption of the vitamin, which can cause a deficiency if not supplemented properly. Injections are particularly good in these cases, as they bypass the tract for higher absorption rates than with food or oral supplements.

*People with gastrointestinal issues are at higher risk of Vitamin B12 deficiency.

Vegetarians & Vegans

Vitamin B12 isn’t produced by our bodies despite being one of the most important nutrients needed for everyday function. However, it can be found in foods like fish, eggs, meat and dairy products. For this reason, those eating a vegetarian or a vegan diet are more prone to B12 deficiency and will, therefore, need to supplement this. Injections are particularly beneficial for pregnant women who may follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, as it can more accurately ensure that both mum and baby are getting the right volume that they need.