BIOTIN Booster Injections

About Biotin

Biotin is an essential B-vitamin that supports various bodily functions. It is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. It also plays a key role in the health and maintenance of skin, hair, and nails.

Deficiency can lead to symptoms like hair loss, skin problems, and neurological issues, and biotin injections can help correct these deficiencies effectively.

About Biotin Injection Treatment

Biotin injections offer a fast and direct method of delivering biotin into your bloodstream, ensuring rapid absorption and results. Whether you're struggling with hair loss, skin issues, or brittle nails, biotin injections can show improvements more quickly compared to oral supplements.

Benefits of biotin

  • Helps us metabolise carbohydrates, fats, & proteins

  • Improves hair, skin & nail health

reduce skin problems such as acne or rashes, & achieve a more youthful and glowing complexion.

Biotin FAQs

  • Biotin supplements may interact with certain medications, including some anticonvulsant drugs. Consult your healthcare provider to discuss potential interactions if you are taking medications.

  • The recommended daily intake of biotin varies, but generally, adults are advised to consume around 30 micrograms (mcg) per day. However, pregnant and breastfeeding women may require more, and specific health conditions might necessitate higher doses.

  • Biotin is found in a variety of foods, including egg yolks, nuts (especially peanuts and almonds), seeds, organ meats (liver, kidney), sweet potatoes, and certain vegetables like spinach and broccoli.